Sunday, April 4, 2010

What to do before tour?

We have a Yankee Stadium tour at noon and then we%26#39;re spending the afternoon on Arthur Ave and Bronx Zoo, then a game that night. Any suggestions on what to do before the tour close to our hotel (Hotel Elysee)? I was thinking we could maybe spend a couple hours that morning around 5th ave or Central Park then take the subway to the stadium??

What to do before tour?

If you have an interest in architecture, check out the landmark buildings on Park. You%26#39;re right by Lever House, the Seagram%26#39;s Building, the Candela buildings on Park... (depending on level of interest you might want to get an architectural guidebook to this if your guidebook doesnt have info)

if there are kids involved, check out the Sony Building (Madison and 55th-56th). There are always school trips lined up there for something.

Maybe a quick trip to MoMA (54th and 5th-6th) before it gets too crowded

Take a look at the stores on Madison. Much nicer than 5th. Fewer chain stores.

I would just walk around the neighborhood and see what appeals to you.

What to do before tour?

Thanks, after thinking about it, we wont have time to do too much considering we%26#39;ll eat breakfast, then have to catch the subway to the Stadium and get there about 11:30. I guess just walking around for an hour or so is about all we have time for.

You don%26#39; have to confine yourself to the area around the hotel. Go to Central Park and start walking uptown in the park Around !0:45 head over to Lexington Avenue to catch the subway to the stadium.

  • good toner
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