I%26#39;m sure everyone is tired of answering questions about Wicked and any other broadway seating questions, but sorry here is another one!
Front Mezz center Row C
ORCH F (Doesn%26#39;t specify if it is center, left or right)
Front Mezz Row EE
Which is better for seeing the action on the stage?
Thanks again---love the help on this site!
Which Tickets should I pick--Wicked
You must be buying from a scalper website, because Ticketmaster.com which is the *only* official ticket seller for Wicked will tell you your seat location.
Playbill.com should have a seating chart for the Gershwin Theatre.
Which Tickets should I pick--Wicked
I was also going to say that Ticketmaster has a site where you can see the location of the seats. I%26#39;d suggest trying to be as close to the center as possible. :)
I have a seating chart (very detailed with seat numbers)...but the seating chart doesn%26#39;t show you some things (and they are never as good as hearing from someone who has actually been in the theatre and possibly sat in or near those seats).
Why have this website to ask questions when I can go to any website to find out things about New york City? Why, because it%26#39;s always better to get the opinion from someone who has actually been there.
I%26#39;m assuming the sarcasm is from answering this question a hundred times, but if you can%26#39;t contain it then please don%26#39;t click on the post.
There was no sarcasm intended.
Some tourists do not know any better, and they have actually bought tickets from scalpers online. There was a woman I remember distinctly who paid 2x for her Jersey Boys tickets.
But if you want the exact nuance of which seats are better go ask the Wicked groupies at www.unexamined-life.com. They%26#39;ll be more than able to help you out.
I haven%26#39;t seen Wicked, so I%26#39;m not the expert you%26#39;re looking for. My comments are based on a fair amount of experience in numerous Broadway theaters but won%26#39;t be conclusive. First, a warning: I found multiple versions of the Gershwin Theater seating chart, and they aren%26#39;t all the same. I%26#39;m assuming that the one at www.wickedthemusical.com/tickets.htm (click on the ';seating chart'; link) is correct.
Front Mezz Row EE looks like it could be way over to one side of the theater. I wouldn%26#39;t go for this unless it%26#39;s a really good deal (and you%26#39;re willing to take a bit of a chance on a less than complete view of the stage) OR someone else can provide some specific knowledge of this location.
Orch F would be my first choice (it%26#39;s actually the 10th row according to the diagram) IF the seats are in the center section (seats 101-118). If they%26#39;re in one of the side sections, my best guess is that anything up to about seat #15 (left side)/16 (right side) should be good.
Front Mezz center row C should line up with Orch row Q. I%26#39;d expect these to be pretty good seats, and they might be my first choice if the Orchestra seats were far to one side.
The best seats are probably the Orch F as long as they are not all the way over to the far right or left, and make sure they are not partial view. Most of the action takes place at center stage. The next choice would be the Mezz EE. You would probably have a great view of the whole stage. I would also suggest that if they are from a broker, don%26#39;t order online, call them directly, they are always very helpful about getting the info about the seat locations. Also, on ebay, email the seller. The best sellers will always give you the info you need and pretty quickly. Enjoy the show, it%26#39;s wonderful.
I sat in Front Mezz center Row C and it was perfect!
Thanks for everyone%26#39;s help--the unexamined life website was a great help as well.
I think I%26#39;m going for Row F---I emailed to see if I could find out exact seat locations for this area...It%26#39;s a sunday though, so I probably won%26#39;t hear anything until tomorrow.
Why are you emailing to find the exact seat location????
When you buy from Ticketmaster.com, the seat locations are RIGHT THERE. They tell you what you are buying. No guessing, no emailing.
It is clear that you are buying from a scalper. Hope you are not paying more than $110/ticket for orchestra.
Broadway, the problem is that only scalpers seem to be selling any tickets. I%26#39;ve been trying for two months to buy tickets to Wicked. Ticketmaster had a few which sold before I had chance to buy them.
There are plenty of tickets available for the night I want (22/7 ) but the tickets are all $190 upwards. Surely somebody neds to look at how the tickets are distrubuted.
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